• Contact us at LabelMeetingsLA@gmail.com if you have any issues! This is for a 1 on 1 ZOOM call with an A&R.
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

 By Signing Up you are GUARANTEED a slot in the event!

Present your music to a Def Jam A&R Jermaine Maxwell February 8th or 9th 2025.

You will provide your mp3 / links or videos prior to the call & your music will be reviewed & then you will receive a 1 on 1 video ZOOM call with the A&R. The purpose of this event is to discover talent & create opportunities. There is flexibility on times due to it being a video call.


A&R Def Jam Records // Jermaine Maxwell

*You will state which event date in the confirmation email to follow the signup process!

*For Questions 

Email: LabelMeetingsLA@gmail.com